Thursday, December 02, 2004

The Standard Theory

A nice review of The Standard Theory. From only a few years back.

And now we can see the origin of Gravity. Start with the "pressure" of a universe of Higgs charges; each with 1/3 the charge of an electron. All charges pushing outward on all other Higgs charges. And all is in balance until some are displaced. Then mass is created and time becomes apparent.

Thursday, November 25, 2004

Total mass to energy conversion

GRBs: Long or Short Duration?

Consider the gamma ray signature of the total conversion of a planetary system similar to our own. Starting with an initial shock wave from a small mass conversion which propagates through the system. Starting with various initial configurations and points of view from several hundred million light years distance. Now compare with some of the GRBs logged by NASA.

Thursday, November 18, 2004

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Matter and antimatter

We propose that neutrally charged matter is composed of equal numbers of Higgs particles and “holes” in the Higgs lattice.

And, that the mass equivalent energy of matter can in principle be released by returning the Higgs particles to the holes in the Higgs universe.

And that the shock wave from such an energy release propagating through an Earth like planetary system would look similar to some cosmological gamma ray bursts.

Sunday, November 14, 2004

Introduction to the Little TOE

The origin of the Little Toe. Later.

Essential elements of this Little Toe: That charge is a basic property. That the minimum number of particles necessary to construct a Toe is in keeping with a desire for simplicity. That starting with two particles and two forces is preferred over three particles and two forces. Better still would be a TOE based on one particle and one force.

We suggest that this particle has a charge of 1/3 that of the electron. And that three such particles in association can have the characteristics of an electron. And that a single fundamental particle can exhibit the nature of any one of three named quarks (down,strange and bottom). That two such particles acting as a unit can present as three of the named anti-quarks (anti-up, anti-charm and anti-top).

Further, that space is composed of a packing of such particles with nearly equal and uniform distribution. And we can call these fundamental elements of space by the name, Higgs particles. When they are displaced from the structure of space these Higgs particles and the holes they leave in the Higgs structure both acquire mass (they distort the fabric of space).

About time. Later.

The Higgs structure. Later.

Puzzles solved. Later.

New Questions. Later.

Saturday, May 22, 2004


Welcome, to the Little TOE. A minimum set theory of everthing.

A theory of everything. How the Higgs field of particles yields all things large and small.

Three 1/3 charge Higgs combine to give an electron. Three holes in the Higgs lattice form a positron.

We see a displaced Higgs as a -1/3 charge quark. And the hole in the lattice as a +1/3 charge quark. Two holes associated at a low energy level are an up quark. And a single Higgs at low energy is a down quark.

Four holes (two pairs) sewn together by a single down quark are a proton. Two holes carried around by two down quarks (two low energy level Higgs) are a neutron.